TxStyle · Textile Documentation

The Textile Markup Reference for Textpattern

Bulleted list

Make an unordered (bulleted) list of items. Each item is preceded by an asterisk *.

Input (editable)


More about: Bulleted list

  1. Attributes can be applied to individual list items, or to the list itself
* Item one
*{color:red} Item two
* Item three
  1. Mixed lists
* This is a bullet
## this is the start of an enumerated list within a bulleted list
## this is another item list of an enumerated list within a bulleted list
*** this is another level
*** and another bullet
* This is another bullet at level 1
  1. Enhanced list
    For further information using lists, see the developer notes on enhanced lists

Paste code into the box above.

Further reading: Bulleted list

PHP Textile v3.7.0