HTML Integration and Escapement

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HTML spans

You can enclose a bit of text in an HTML span tag by enclosing it in percent signs. Then you can apply attributes to the span (see attributes).

I can put in a %(myclass)span with a class% like this.

I can put in a span with a class like this.

Inline code

To mark code in your text, surround the code with at signs.

On the command line, you can just type @bash@.

On the command line, you can just type bash.

Block code

You can insert a block of code with the bc. block signature.

bc. # Output "I love Ruby"
say = "I love Ruby"
puts say
# Output "I love Ruby"
say = "I love Ruby"
puts say

Extended block code

Use bc.. and the block of code will continue to include blank lines until it encounters another block signature such as p.

bc.. # Output "I love Ruby"
say = "I love Ruby"
puts say

# Output "I *LOVE* RUBY"
say['love'] = "*love*"
puts say.upcase

p. And that is how you do it.
# Output "I love Ruby"
say = "I love Ruby"
puts say

# Output "I *LOVE* RUBY"
say['love'] = "*love*"
puts say.upcase

And that is how you do it.

Inline HTML

You can use HTML right in your paragraph text, presuming the site administrator has not set :filter_html or :sanitize_html restrictions.

I can use HTML directly in my <span class="youbetcha">Textile</span>.

I can use HTML directly in my Textile.

Block HTML

You can use HTML freely within your Textile. HTML tags on a line by themselves will not be mangled. Don’t forget to leave a blank line after any Textile, just like usual.

<div id="shopping-cart">
<form action="form_action" method="get">
h3. Your cart

* Item one
* Item two

<p><input type="submit" value="Check Out" /></p>


Your cart

  • Item one
  • Item two

No Textile

You can have Textile skip a chunk of text with the <notextile> tag or double-equals.

Don't touch this!

Use ==*asterisks*== to say something *strongly*.
Don't touch this!

Use *asterisks* to say something strongly.

Notextile block

Notextile can also be used as a normal or extended Textile block.

notextile. This has *no* textile formatting, see?

notextile.. And this notextile block

Just keeps going and going.

p. Until you end it with another block.
This has *no* textile formatting, see? And this notextile block Just keeps going and going.

Until you end it with another block.

Preformatted text

Preformatted text can be put in a pre. block and its whitespace will be preserved. pre. is almost identical to bc., except that <code>...</code> tags are not used within the <pre> block.

pre.      Text in a pre block
is displayed in a fixed-width
     font. It preserves
  s p a c e s, line breaks
     and ascii bunnies.
           _     _   
           \`\ /`/   
            \ V /    
            /. .\    
           =\ T /=   
            / ^ \    
         {}/\\ //\   
         __\ " " /__ 
     Text in a pre block
is displayed in a fixed-width
     font. It preserves
  s p a c e s, line breaks
     and ascii bunnies.
           _     _   
           \`\ /`/   
            \ V /    
            /. .\    
           =\ T /=   
            / ^ \    
         {}/\\ //\   
         __\ " " /__ 

Extended preformatted

Use pre.. to make a block of extended preformatted text that continues until it encounters another block signature, like p.

pre.. All monospaced

Even the blank lines

p. But now a paragraph
All monospaced
Even the blank lines

But now a paragraph