CSS classes and IDs
You can apply CSS classes and IDs to phrase modifiers or block modifiers.
p(my-class). This is a paragraph that has a class and this *(#special-phrase)emphasized phrase* has an id.
This is a paragraph that has a class and this emphasized phrase has an id.
p(#my-paragraph). This is a paragraph that has an id.
This is a paragraph that has an id.
CSS classes and IDs combined
You can specify both class and ID, but the class must always come first.
div(myclass#myid). This div has both a CSS class and ID.
CSS styles
Apply CSS styles directly to block or phrase modifiers by putting the style rules in curly braces.
p{color:blue;letter-spacing:.5em}. Spacey blue
Spacey blue
Specify the language of text with square brackets.
p[fr]. Parlez-vous français ?
Parlez-vous français ?
Text inside blocks can be aligned in four ways:
p<. align left p>. align right p=. centered p<>. justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified
align left
align right
justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified justified
Text can be indented with single parentheses. For each left paren, left pad 1em. For each right paren, right pad 1em. They may be combined for left and right padding.
p(. Left pad 1em. p)). Right pad 2em. p(). Pad both left and right sides 1em.
Left pad 1em.
Right pad 2em.
Pad both left and right sides 1em.